The Afar, Out of Africa Migrants global ancestor. If you believe in religious scriptures we, all humans, are all the progenies of Adam and Eve. The two original human creation of God. It is Adam and Eve that gave rise to mankind. Adam and Eve early offsprings were obedient to their creator God, Allah Azawajal, for many generations to Satan displeasure. They took heed of God warnings that Satan was a clear enemy to mankind. The later generations forgot about God warnings and let Satan to have a way back in their live. Satan made to them appealing all sort of transgression until the generation of Prophet Noah, AWS, ( NUH ). God always keeps his promise. He said I will send you Messengers to remind you of the covenant between your father Adam and myself. This Messenger tasks is to remind you of God and warn you against Satan. The people of Noah reached the summum of the transgression against God. Noah was God appointed messenger to warn mankind against God forthcoming punishment if they don’t come back to obedience. You probably heard about the flood, the boat, a selection of a pair of every species on Earth ( Male and Female ) and the Ark to save mankind from the flood and God punishment. I will not dwell much on this part. For the purpose of my article, I will concentrate on Noah’s progenies. Prophet Noah AWS ( NUH in the Quran ) had four male children: Ham, Shem, Japheth and Yam. Yam perished in the Flood for refusing to believe and boarding Noah’s Ark. So everything perished except those in Noah’s Ark. Since the flood, all humans left are Noah and his three children offsprings: Ham, Shem and Japheth. All three were Blacks off different shade and complexion and from Africa. Let’s move from the scriptures narration to the scientific and genetic classification. These three sons, genetically, are classed into Halo groups, a genetic population that share a common ancestor on the patrilineal ( father ) or matrilineal ( Mother ) side. The three main Halo-groups are L1 ( San people; Australe Africa ); L2 ( Pygmées people , Central and West Africa ) and L3 ( Afar people East Africa ). These three Halo groups equates to the 3 sons of Noah. All of Out Africa Migration fall under these three Halo-groups. However one Halo Group, L3 stands out of these three as they represent 90% of out of Africa Migration. It is the Halo Group L3 ( Afar people ). After the crossing L3 ( Afar ), the parent group branched out into two Halo-groups. The halo-group “N” ( Yemeni people, Ancestors of Arabs, Europeans and the Halo-group “M” Ancestors of South East Asian, Tamoul, Sri-Lankan, Indiens, Aborigines, Native Americans ancestors ) once they crossed the Straits of Tears ( Bab el Mandheb ) in the Red Sea, between the Afar triangle ( Djibouti, Ethiopia and Eritrea ) and Yemen, most probably around 80,000 to 60,000 years ago. All three halo-groups took part in this Migration out of Africa and spread out across the world. It is important to mention that the halo-group L1 ( San people ) are the direct ancestors of the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans... In the above two documentaries( All three Halo-Groups are involved in this Migration ) , the Mother and Father Line about Eddie Izzard, artist, comedian, DNA journey take us through a couple hundredth thousand years of Out of Africa trek. Eddie is the first Briton to use his DNA as a road map. Eddie Izzards challenge was to find out if he was from Anglo-Saxon or Celtic descent. Eddie got the answer to that question and many more. Let’s take this journey with him starting with the mother line documentary and the L3 ( Afar ) Halo- group which represent 90 % of the Out of Africa Migration. The Father Line documentary link is provided below. Mohamed Hassan Fln Xuko Cina ( Baxi nagreh meqem baxo )
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Dear Mr Grandi, I watch your organisation UNHCR “commercial Video clip” that promote Afar people ethnic cleansing for 40 years, in Djibouti. You praised Djibouti Government run by foreign born elites from the President to the insignifiant civil servant. They have set up a policy of ethnic cleansing against the Afar native people, in Djibouti, since the indépendance in 1977, 40 years ago. On the 27 June 1977, after the independence from France, Djibouti had Population of 250,000 people. In 2017, 40 years later, we are told we are 900,000 inhabitants officially. We know in truth, it’s more close to 2 millions inhabitants. If you did your math Mr Grandi you find out that Djibouti, even if we take the official figures of 900,000 people, it is a nearly 400% inhabitants increase. I dare you Mr Grandi, or anybody to show me an example of 400 % natural demographic growth. It is clear, what is at work, is a systematic ethnic cleansing by the Gouled/Guelleh ISSA-Somali regime during 40 years. Guess what? The UNHCR before you and under your watch is complicit in the Afar people ethnic cleansing. I concede that the UNHCR Afar people ethnic cleansing complicity has not started under your watch. It is 40 years constant complicity with the Djibouti ISSA regime. Your responsibility Mr Grandi is to finalise and glamourise Afar people ethnic cleansing and demise with this video. These refugees camps turned ISSA villages are on Afar lands without Afar people consent. It is a blatant land grab for ISSA people benefit. It is a time bomb your Global organisation ( UNHCR ) has artificially created. You are certainly NOT oblivious to lands disputes across the world. The Ethiopian unrest is mainly about lands disputes and of course the absence of the rule of law, apartheid policy based on ethnicity. We have one in Djibouti thanks to you and the UNHCR. The ISSA Gouled/Guelleh regime prove of ethnic cleansing and the UNHCR complicity, under your watch, came to the fore this year in August 2017. Several Eritrean Afar refugees, in Yemen, fleeing the Yemen conflit, seeking refuge and asylum, were denied entrance to Djibouti. They were kept at sea several days near Obock coast only to be allowed in to the uproar of Afar people. Where were the UNHCR and yourself Mr Grandi? Djibouti ISSA Government showed its Afar people ethnic cleansing policy is not negotiable, with these Eritrean Afar refugee case handling. They expelled these Afar Eritrean refugee towards Ethiopia. What happened to the UNHCR policy of first safe port to claim asylum? Where were the UNHCR and you Mr Grandi when those Afar Eritrean refugee were expelled to Ethiopia? Why Djibouti ISSA Government did not show the same compassion you praise to the world towards Afar Refugees as they did it to Issas-Somali refugees? Djibouti ISSA Government don’t have problem with Issas, Yemenis or any other ethnic or nationality Refugees. The problem is with only Afar Refugees. Why? If NOT ethnic cleansing. The lousy excuse put forward, by the ISSA government to deny access to these Afar Eritrean Refugees, is insecurity due to its land dispute and conflit with Eritrea. Djibouti ISSA Government is telling us they have an efficient system in place to detect Al Shabab from Somalia, or Yemenis infiltrators however they are not so good at doing so with Eritrean Infiltrators. Therefore Afar Refugees cannot be granted Asylum or refugee statut, leave alone turning their Refugees camps into villages in Djibouti. Mr Grandi with all due respect, I beg to differ in your Djibouti Refugee policy analysis. No there are NO idealism or altruistic action behind the Gouled/Guelleh regime towards the ISSA-Somali fake Refugees. It is Afar people ethnic cleansing pure and simple. A land grab policy to the detriment of the native Afar. My message to those who you want to promote to, in the world, the Gouled/Guelleh ISSA regime model in Djibouti, read what I wrote and make your own investigation. Don’t sign up to it blindly like Mr Grandi and the UNHCR. Mohamed Hassan Fln Xuko Cina ( Baxi nagreh meqem baxo ) Moses’ Mountain ( Moussa Aaleh, [Qaleh] ) Djibouti. Prophet Moses’ Mountain, Moussa Aaleh [Qaleh] in Afar. Not Moussa Ali, Mountain, as France,l Djibouti colonial power renamed it to wipe out our collective memory of the sacred Mountain of Moses ( sacred Valley of Tuwa: Taha 20:12 ), where Allah Azawajal ( God ) spoke to Moses for the first time when he fled Egypt for killing an Egyptian man. Itzhak Shamir, the former Israeli Prime Minister followed in Moses footstep when he sought refuge in Djibouti after the King Davids’. Hotel bombing against the British in1948. Moses Mountain, the highest summit of Republic of Djibouti that lies on the tripoint border between Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti. Afar people called their land, in Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti, Sidicamo [ Sidihamo ], meaning Afar Triangle along the African bank of the Read Sea that spread across three countries: Djibouti, Eritrea and Ethiopia. They are also known by other as Danakils, however, Afar people frown upon being called Danakils. They, proudly, call themselves Afar: Afar meaning the First or the Best as they see themselves as the cradle of Civilisation ( Pharaoh’s Egypt ) and cradle of Humanity ( oldest Humanoid fossils found, in Afar Omo Valley, in Ethiopia, Lucy Australopithecus Afarensis 3.2 millions years ). It is in the Afar people country, Midian people land ( Afar Triangle ) of the Prophet Shuaïb (AWS), in the Quran, the biblical Jethro, Moses father in Law and Zipporah, his wife father, where has taken refuge prophet Moussa, Moses (AWS) from Pharaoh revenge after killing an Egyptian. Let’s remind that those who excel in the hidden story concede that Zipporah, Moses wife was Ethiopian, therefore a Black woman and conceal that Moses himself was a Black man, a Kemites. Jean François Champollion ( Champollion the young ) towards 1829, accomplished the deciphering of the Hieroglyphs. Thanks to this information from Champollion, France decided to colonise a part of the Afar Triangle, the actual Republic of Djibouti. France made sure Moses’ sacred Mountain is part of its colony. So it's not Moussa Ali, it's Moussa Aaleh [Qaleh], Moses’ Mountain (AWS ) in Afar language. France colonised Djibouti, in 1862, by signing a treaty with three Afar Sultanates, in Djibouti, thanks to Champolion, ( the Young ) hieroglyphics deciphering. France made sure that she took ownership of Ancient Egyptian Ancestors and Gods Afar land. One can notice that France weaved Moses’ Mountain carefully into Its new territory, along where Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti meet, the Afar Triangle ( Sidihamo, [Sidicamo] ) . Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, unlike the old tales lies you have been fed, the first flight of the Prophet Moses ( AWS ), the one before the Exodus, was not toward the North and Middle East but to the South of Egypt, towards the land of the Kemites Afar of Midian, actual Republic of Djibouti, the Afar Triangle. The ancient Egyptians called Afar Triangle land, the land of the Gods, the land of the Ancestors, Puntland. Two reasons explain the flight of the Prophet Moses, Moussa (AWS) to the South inward rather than outward to the North of Egypt and the Middle East. From the time of the Prophet Yacoub (Jacob) AWS to Moussa’s (Moses) AWS has passed 430 years. In 430 years a surge of hostile white Caucasian tribes pushed towards and settled at the gates of Kemites and Black African Egypt. A man with the standing of Moses, a Prince of Egypt would have been recognised straight away. To the South towards Kemites’ and Afar Midianites’ land we had an European Schengen area countries like open borders to the South. A closed well defended and controlled borders to the North towards the Middle East. Like the borders between the West and the rest of the World of today. You have the same set up of an open border between Canada and the US to the North, a closed border to the South with Mexico. Likewise Northen part of Egypt was heavily guarded because, of hostility from the barbarian, as the Egyptian called them. Again, a man of Moses standing, a Prince of Egypt could not have gone unnoticed. Just to put everything into a contexte. Nowadays the Migration trend is to the affluent West. In Ancient Egyptian time, the immigration trend was to the South toward Pharaoh Egypt, the land of the plenty of the day and the the cradle of Civilisation. For all the reasons above, Moses fled to the South, towards the land of the people of Midian, The Dwellers of Al-Aïka, Prophet Shuaïb, in the Quran, the biblical Jethro, the land of the Ancestors, the land of the Gods, in Afar land, not far from Moses’ Mountain, where sits the Sacred Valley of Tuwa ( Surate Taha 20:12 ) the Afar Triangle ( Djibouti, Eritrea and Ethiopia ). The Sacred Mountain of Tuwa Valley where Allah Azawajal, God, spoke to Prophet Moses. Where God asks him to take of his sandals as he is at the sacred Valley of Tuwa ( Taha 20:12 ). Where he saw the fire, where his shepherd's staff turns into a serpent ( snake ) by the will of Allah. Yes, it was there that Allah gave him the mission to reason Pharaoh and bring him back towards obedience to Allah Azawajal and to give up all the transgressions he was committing on earth, to stop the persecution against the Children of Israel and to free them from slavery and to let them go free. According to historians the Children of Israël remained 430 years in Egypt, from their arrival under the Prophet Yacoub (AWS), Jacob and their exodus from Egypt under the Prophet Moses (AWS), Moses and Prophet Haroun, Aaron (AWS) to Palestine. Let’s recall that in the time of the Prophet Yacoub, Jacob ( AWS ) the Middle East was still a colony under the influence of Egypt, the greatest power of that time and of all time. The immigration of the Children of Israel to Egypt from the Middle East was made, by the will of Allah, under the reign of Amenhotep IV (Amenhophis IV) who became Akhenaton under the aegis of Prophet Yacoub, Jacob ( ASW). Prophet Jacob and his 11 sons joigned Prophet Yusuf (AWS), Joseph, his 12th son ( 12 Children of Israel ), the Treasurer ( Chancellor ) of Egypt at the invitation of Pharaoh Akhenaton who change his name from Amenhotep. Akhenaton accepts the submission to the One God of Prophet Ibrahim (AWS), Abraham, through the miracle established by Allah leave by Prophet Yusuf, Joseph (AWS) prophecies ( interpretation of Dreams ). If the Children of Israël were Whites, Prophet Moses (AWS) would have had no chance to be part of the House of Pharaoh. He would have suffered the same fate as all the newborn male children of Israel of his time, death. His white skin would have betrayed him right away. Remember Pharaoh was killing all the Children of Israël newborn males every other year, letting live their females newborn, Moses was born that year, because Pharaoh saw them as a demographic threat to the Egyptian. One of the 9 signs sent par Allah to Pharaoh through Prophet Moses ( Moussa ) and Aaron ( Haroun ) is Moses’ hand that come out white when drawn into his armpit. A white hand that comes out white is not a miracle, a black hand that comes out white is a miracle. What is important here is that Allah Azawajal ( God ) narrate this event, in the Quran. Is there any better proof than Allah own words and testimony? Hieroglyphics and mural arts on egyptian monuments depict Pharaoh and his Court as Blacks, Kemites. The late Egyptian President Gamal Abdul Nasser, who tells the Jews "you left Egypt Blacks and you came back to us Whites ..." is another jigsaw to the evidence that the Ancient Egyptians, the Jews and Ancient Arabs were Kemites Blacks. I would like to add another element to evidence the claim of the Mountain of Moses, in Djibouti. It is a place of a discreet pilgrimage for Zionists. Ariel Sharon, the former Israeli Prime-Minister, the butcher of Sabra and Shatila Massacre, in Palestinian Refugee Camp, in Lebanon in 1982 visit in January 1964. Sharon was in pilgrimage in that Mountain in 1964. One has to look beyond the patronising and condescending statements from Sharon, on Afar people, a man with a reputation for genocide, not a man to give Afar lesson on savagery... in the Danakil Desert, “an area where Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti meet ( Moses Mountain, Moussa Aaleh [Qaleh ] in Afar language ). I came face to face with “primitive” camel herders with a reputation for savagery,” ..... His conclusion about his African experience seemed to be a lasting one: Masaï Spears and Danakils ( Afar ) knives for his first born son Gur. Jewellery for his wife Lily and Images of Africa he will not soon forget. How can you forget the trip to the Sacred Mountain of Moses, in the Valley of Tuwa, the Midianite Afar land of Prophet Shuaib, AWS, ( Jethro ), the cradle of Civilisation and Humanity? Mohamed Hassan Fln Xuko Cina ( Baxi nagreh meqem baxo ) See below the complete article in The Time of Israel published the 13/01/2014 by Mitch Ginsburg. |
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