117 in prison for Barkat Ali Oudoum ( BOA ).
Ethiopian Security Service kidnapped a Djiboutian opposition member and blogger Barkat Ali Oudoum ( BAO ) in Addis Abeba, on the 30th March 2021. Colonel Abiy Regime extradited Barkat Ali Oudoum alias BAO to Djibouti Ismail Omar Guelleh despotique regime, on the 5th April 2021, without a due process. He did not appear in Court to decide on the legality of his extradition. Colonel Abiy Ahmed, the Nobel Peace Price laureate by-passed his own country legal process. This is the second time, within a year that Colonel Abiy Ahmed extrades an Asylum seeker without due process to Djibouti dictatorship. We, all, saw Lieutenant Fouad Youssouf Ali ( see the attached video of his detention condition ) appalling video detention condition in Gabode prison called cell 12, a one by one square meter toilet cell. Colonel Abiy Ahmed was unfit to be awarded the Nobel Peace price, in the first place, let alone to keep it. Colonel Abiy Ahmed is committing war crimes in Tigray: extra-judicial killings, systematic rapes as weapon of war, ethnic cleansing and genocide with Afeworki Eritrean dictator as his partner in crime. Colonel Abiy Ahmed, as Aung San Suu Ki, sees the Nobel Peace Price as a passport to kill and commit heinous crimes even against his own people, emulating another Nobel Peace laureate San Suu Ki’s genocide against the Rohingas. We call on the Nobel Peace Committee to strip off Colonel Abiy of his Nobel Peace Price before he disgraces it further. It is a matter of time, for Colonel Abiy is, soon, to appear in The Hague with his Nobel Peace Price as a badge of honour to answer for his appalling crimes against his own people. In the light of his crimes, We, the People call on the Nobel Peace Price Committee to strip Colonel Abiy Ahmed of the Nobel Peace Price, at once. #stripColonelAbiyAhmedOfNobelPeacePrice Loubak Dongolo
112 in prison for Barkat Ali Oudoum ( BOA ).
Ethiopian Security Service kidnapped a Djiboutian opposition member and blogger Barkat Ali Oudoum ( BAO ) in Addis Abeba, on the 30th March 2021. Colonel Abiy Regime extradited Barkat Ali Oudoum alias BAO to Djibouti Ismail Omar Guelleh despotique regime, on the 5th April 2021, without a due process. He did not appear in Court to decide on the legality of his extradition. Colonel Abiy Ahmed, the Nobel Peace Price laureate by-passed his own country legal process. This is the second time, within a year that Colonel Abiy Ahmed extrades an Asylum seeker without due process to Djibouti dictatorship. We, all, saw Lieutenant Fouad Youssouf Ali ( see the attached video of his detention condition ) appalling video detention condition in Gabode prison called cell 12, a one by one square meter toilet cell. Colonel Abiy Ahmed was unfit to be awarded the Nobel Peace price, in the first place, let alone to keep it. Colonel Abiy Ahmed is committing war crimes in Tigray: extra-judicial killings, systematic rapes as weapon of war, ethnic cleansing and genocide with Afeworki Eritrean dictator as his partner in crime. Colonel Abiy Ahmed, as Aung San Suu Ki, sees the Nobel Peace Price as a passport to kill and commit heinous crimes even against his own people, emulating another Nobel Peace laureate San Suu Ki’s genocide against the Rohingas. We call on the Nobel Peace Committee to strip off Colonel Abiy of his Nobel Peace Price before he disgraces it further. It is a matter of time, for Colonel Abiy is, soon, to appear in The Hague with his Nobel Peace Price as a badge of honour to answer for his appalling crimes against his own people. In the light of his crimes, We, the People call on the Nobel Peace Price Committee to strip Colonel Abiy Ahmed of the Nobel Peace Price, at once. #stripColonelAbiyAhmedOfNobelPeacePrice LoubakDongolo 110 in prison for Barkat Ali Oudoum ( BOA ).
Ethiopian Security Service kidnapped a Djiboutian opposition member and blogger Barkat Ali Oudoum ( BAO ) in Addis Abeba, on the 30th March 2021. Colonel Abiy Regime extradited Barkat Ali Oudoum alias BAO to Djibouti Ismail Omar Guelleh despotique regime, on the 5th April 2021, without a due process. He did not appear in Court to decide on the legality of his extradition. Colonel Abiy Ahmed, the Nobel Peace Price laureate by-passed his own country legal process. This is the second time, within a year that Colonel Abiy Ahmed extrades an Asylum seeker without due process to Djibouti dictatorship. We, all, saw Lieutenant Fouad Youssouf Ali ( see the attached video of his detention condition ) appalling video detention condition in Gabode prison called cell 12, a one by one square meter toilet cell. Colonel Abiy Ahmed was unfit to be awarded the Nobel Peace price, in the first place, let alone to keep it. Colonel Abiy Ahmed is committing war crimes in Tigray: extra-judicial killings, systematic rapes as weapon of war, ethnic cleansing and genocide with Afeworki Eritrean dictator as his partner in crime. Colonel Abiy Ahmed, as Aung San Suu Ki, sees the Nobel Peace Price as a passport to kill and commit heinous crimes even against his own people, emulating another Nobel Peace laureate San Suu Ki’s genocide against the Rohingas. We call on the Nobel Peace Committee to strip off Colonel Abiy of his Nobel Peace Price before he disgraces it further. It is a matter of time, for Colonel Abiy is, soon, to appear in The Hague with his Nobel Peace Price as a badge of honour to answer for his appalling crimes against his own people. In the light of his crimes, We, the People call on the Nobel Peace Price Committee to strip Colonel Abiy Ahmed of the Nobel Peace Price, at once. #stripColonelAbiyAhmedOfNobelPeacePrice LoubakDongolo 07 in prison for Barkat Ali Oudoum ( BOA ).
Ethiopian Security Service kidnapped a Djiboutian opposition member and blogger Barkat Ali Oudoum ( BAO ) in Addis Abeba, on the 30th March 2021. Colonel Abiy Regime extradited Barkat Ali Oudoum alias BAO to Djibouti Ismail Omar Guelleh despotique regime, on the 5th April 2021, without a due process. He did not appear in Court to decide on the legality of his extradition. Colonel Abiy Ahmed, the Nobel Peace Price laureate by-passed his own country legal process. This is the second time, within a year that Colonel Abiy Ahmed extrades an Asylum seeker without due process to Djibouti dictatorship. We, all, saw Lieutenant Fouad Youssouf Ali ( see the attached video of his detention condition ) appalling video detention condition in Gabode prison called cell 12, a one by one square meter toilet cell. Colonel Abiy Ahmed was unfit to be awarded the Nobel Peace price, in the first place, let alone to keep it. Colonel Abiy Ahmed is committing war crimes in Tigray: extra-judicial killings, systematic rapes as weapon of war, ethnic cleansing and genocide with Afeworki Eritrean dictator as his partner in crime. Colonel Abiy Ahmed, as Aung San Suu Ki, sees the Nobel Peace Price as a passport to kill and commit heinous crimes even against his own people, emulating another Nobel Peace laureate San Suu Ki’s genocide against the Rohingas. We call on the Nobel Peace Committee to strip off Colonel Abiy of his Nobel Peace Price before he disgraces it further. It is a matter of time, for Colonel Abiy is, soon, to appear in The Hague with his Nobel Peace Price as a badge of honour to answer for his appalling crimes against his own people. In the light of his crimes, We, the People call on the Nobel Peace Price Committee to strip Colonel Abiy Ahmed of the Nobel Peace Price, at once. #stripColonelAbiyAhmedOfNobelPeacePrice LoubakDongolo 101 in prison for Barkat Ali Oudoum ( BOA ).
Ethiopian Security Service kidnapped a Djiboutian opposition member and blogger Barkat Ali Oudoum ( BAO ) in Addis Abeba, on the 30th March 2021. Colonel Abiy Regime extradited Barkat Ali Oudoum alias BAO to Djibouti Ismail Omar Guelleh despotique regime, on the 5th April 2021, without a due process. He did not appear in Court to decide on the legality of his extradition. Colonel Abiy Ahmed, the Nobel Peace Price laureate by-passed his own country legal process. This is the second time, within a year that Colonel Abiy Ahmed extrades an Asylum seeker without due process to Djibouti dictatorship. We, all, saw Lieutenant Fouad Youssouf Ali ( see the attached video of his detention condition ) appalling video detention condition in Gabode prison called cell 12, a one by one square meter toilet cell. Colonel Abiy Ahmed was unfit to be awarded the Nobel Peace price, in the first place, let alone to keep it. Colonel Abiy Ahmed is committing war crimes in Tigray: extra-judicial killings, systematic rapes as weapon of war, ethnic cleansing and genocide with Afeworki Eritrean dictator as his partner in crime. Colonel Abiy Ahmed, as Aung San Suu Ki, sees the Nobel Peace Price as a passport to kill and commit heinous crimes even against his own people, emulating another Nobel Peace laureate San Suu Ki’s genocide against the Rohingas. We call on the Nobel Peace Committee to strip off Colonel Abiy of his Nobel Peace Price before he disgraces it further. It is a matter of time, for Colonel Abiy is, soon, to appear in The Hague with his Nobel Peace Price as a badge of honour to answer for his appalling crimes against his own people. In the light of his crimes, We, the People call on the Nobel Peace Price Committee to strip Colonel Abiy Ahmed of the Nobel Peace Price, at once. #stripColonelAbiyAhmedOfNobelPeacePrice LoubakDongolo C’est le 173 ème jour qu’Omar Daoud Omar est en prison. Il est en prison, injustement depuis le Dimanche 17/01/21.
Source ARDHD Détenu, dans un premier temps, une dizaine de jours par la Section des Recherches et Documentation de la Gendarmerie, le jeune Omar Daoud Omar a été arrêté en raison de son lien de parenté avec l’un des hauts responsables de la Résistance du Frud, après l’attaque de la Caserne Militaire et de la Brigade de la Gendarmerie de Tadjoura. Selon les informations sûres et concordantes recueillies par la LDDH le jeune Omar Daoud Omar arrêté le 17Janvier par le Ministre de la Défense, en personne, vient d’être transféré et écroué à la prison de Gabode. Sa famille nous a rapporté que le jeune Omar Daoud Omar a été sévèrement torturé et placé en isolement dans la même cellule où a succombé le plus célèbre prisonnier djiboutien Mohamed Djama. Le Dimanche 17 Janvier 2021 Hassan Omar Gaqanlo, le Ministre de la Défence des Guelleh Batals, a fait irruption, avec 4 personnes, dans le Bureau de l’ONEAD de Tadjourah où se trouvait Omar Daoud Omar, le responsable commercial de l’ONEAD. Alias Colonel de la SDS Qaqanlo Hassan Omar de façon lâche gifle Omar Daoud Omar de l’ONEAD et les 4 sbires se joignent au tabassage. Le gredin Hassan Gaqanlo n’a aucune juridiction ou responsabilité ministérielle à l’ONEAD. La raison officielle pour laquelle Qaqanlo, le factotum de Guelleh, exécute les sales besognes lui-même. Omar Daoud Omar dans l’exercice légitime de ses fonctions de représentant commercial de l’ONEAD, a envoyé une facture impayée d’avertissement de l’eau au Judas, le Colonel Ali Chehem, le délateur du feu Ahmed Jabha, Allah yarhamoh. Officieusement, la vraie raison de l’agression et l’emprisonnement d’Omar Daoud Omar par Gaqanlo est le délit de filiation familiale. Omar n’est autre que le fils du Héro légendaire et martyre Daoud Omar du FRUD Armé tombé sur le champ d’honneur, et le frère d’Abdo Omar Daoud alias Assa Abdo, le Commandant des Forces du FRUD à l’honneur face aux Forces de Répression interne des Guelleh Batals dans le Nord et l’hexagone Djiboutien. La débâcle des Forces de Répression interne, de Guelleh à Tadjourah et dans le Nord, est le catalyst de cette aggression de Gaqanlo sur Omar Daoud Omar. Cette fois-ci on ne peut pas dire “une fois n’est pas coutume.” Il y a deux années de cela Ahmed Omar Daoud, l’autre frère d’Assa Abdo, instituteur à la Mission Catholique a passé 1 année et demie à Gabode pour un autre délit de filiation avec son frère. Omar Daoud Omar n’a effectué qu’une procédure de routine, en conformité avec ses compétences, en envoyant une lettre de rappel de non payement, expédiée à tous les mauvais payeurs. Que je sache le Judas Ali Chehem ne bénéficie pas d’une exemption pour sa consommation d’eau. Au pire Omar Daoud ne devrait ne faire que l’objet d’une convocation de sa hiérarchie pour une explication sur une quelconque plainte déposée à son encontre sur l’incident en question. Non au délit de filiation. Nous exigeons la libération immédiate d’Omar Daoud Omar qui est détenu arbitrairement dans la brigade de la gendarmerie de Tadjourah. Omar Daoud Omar n’est pas responsable des faits et agissements de son frère le Commandant Assa Abdo. Source ARDHD 25/01/2021 (ARDHD) LES ARRESTATIONS, LES INCARCÉRATIONS ET LES TRANSFERTS VERS DES LIEUX DE DÉTENTION INCONNUS SE MULTIPLIENT À DJIBOUTI Les Personnes arrêtées à ALI-SABIEH. 1) MISRA Moumin Khayieh. 2) Mohamed Doubad Robleh. 3) Saida Abdillahi Rayaleh. 4) Omar Darar Robleh. 5) Nour Osman Abdillahi. 6) Abdisalam Youssouf Ismael. 7) Hadji Moustapha. 8) Kaltoum Osman. 9) Djamila Ahmed Djama. à TADJOURAH : 10) Abdo Youssouf Ahmed. 11) Omar Daoud Omar. 12) Abdo Dahelo Abdallah. 13) Hassan Mohamed Robleh. 14) Ali Dabaleh Hassan. Un bien triste bilan des arrestations d’hier et des jours précédents _____________ Infos d’aujourd’hui Parmi les jeunes arrêtés à Tadjoura, Omar Daoud Omar avait été transféré à Djibouti le 22 janvier Trois autres viennent d’être transférés cet après-midi. Il s’agit de : 1) Abdo Youssouf Ahmed, 2) Abdo Dahelo Abdallah et 3)Hassan Mohamed Robleh Ils ont été convoyés vers une destination inconnue . Day 95 in prison for Barkat Ali Oudoum ( BOA ).
Ethiopian Security Service kidnapped a Djiboutian opposition member and blogger Barkat Ali Oudoum ( BAO ) in Addis Abeba, on the 30th March 2021. Colonel Abiy Regime extradited Barkat Ali Oudoum alias BAO to Djibouti Ismail Omar Guelleh despotique regime, on the 5th April 2021, without a due process. He did not appear in Court to decide on the legality of his extradition. Colonel Abiy Ahmed, the Nobel Peace Price laureate by-passed his own country legal process. This is the second time, within a year that Colonel Abiy Ahmed extrades an Asylum seeker without due process to Djibouti dictatorship. We, all, saw Lieutenant Fouad Youssouf Ali ( see the attached video of his detention condition ) appalling video detention condition in Gabode prison called cell 12, a one by one square meter toilet cell. Colonel Abiy Ahmed was unfit to be awarded the Nobel Peace price, in the first place, let alone to keep it. Colonel Abiy Ahmed is committing war crimes in Tigray: extra-judicial killings, systematic rapes as weapon of war, ethnic cleansing and genocide with Afeworki Eritrean dictator as his partner in crime. Colonel Abiy Ahmed, as Aung San Suu Ki, sees the Nobel Peace Price as a passport to kill and commit heinous crimes even against his own people, emulating another Nobel Peace laureate San Suu Ki’s genocide against the Rohingas. We call on the Nobel Peace Committee to strip off Colonel Abiy of his Nobel Peace Price before he disgraces it further. It is a matter of time, for Colonel Abiy is, soon, to appear in The Hague with his Nobel Peace Price as a badge of honour to answer for his appalling crimes against his own people. In the light of his crimes, We, the People call on the Nobel Peace Price Committee to strip Colonel Abiy Ahmed of the Nobel Peace Price, at once. #stripColonelAbiyAhmedOfNobelPeacePrice LoubakDongolo |
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