Day 861 in detention without a trial : Ahmed Ali Harsa hostage, in the TPLF version of "Things come in Threes." (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-9704754346172289", enable_page_level_ads: true }); The first adjournment was decided on 6 September 2016, for one month and 20 days (50 days). The trial was scheduled to takes place on 26 October 2016. On November 22, 2016, the TPLF regime decided on a second adjournment of 45 days. This last deadline Ethiopian Justice set for Friday 6th January 2017 has past again without a day in court. Ethiopian Justice missed their own set two previous deadlines. We are, now, contemplating a further third adjournement as they missed the Friday 06 January 2017 one. It is a deliberate act of psychological torture practiced by the dictatorial regimes by lack of independent Justice in these countries. We had the same process with our compatriot Mohamed Ahmed Jabha, in prison, since May 2010 in Djibouti. In the case of Jabha (under constant torture and isolation since May 2010), the dictatorial Issa de Guelleh regime refused to implement the decision of the High Court of Appeal of Djibouti to release Jabha. Two regimes TPLF (Tigre) and RPP (ISSA) in collusion to "Break" the Afar and to partition its land between themselves. The TPLF regime unfairly detains Ahmed Ali Harsa over 861 days, depriving him of all his rights, kept under isolation and even deprived of any family visit. Below are the real reasons for his detention: We all know that Ahmed Ali Harsa is languishing in Ethiopian prisons unfairly. His only crime was to have wanted to earn a living in order to meet his needs and that of his family ( a wife and Ten children ). The two mafia in Djibouti and Ethiopia are behind his imprisonment for a crapulous reason. Ethnic clientelism in both countries by Issas in Djibouti and Tigrenya in Ethiopia does not tolerate any competition from other ethnic groups in the two countries. For them any economic competition from others must be crushed. The other communities must remain in economic poverty to exercise their domination. The Djiboutian and Ethiopian authorities are complicite in his arrest. There is nothing fortuitous in his incarceration. Ismail Omar Guelleh is also responsible for Mohamed Ahmed Jabha imprisonment since May 2010. Almost 7 years in solitary confinement. It is well documented that Jabha is subjected to constant horrendous torture. Ismaïl Omar Guelleh dictator regime is refusing to release him even after a Court decision. The denial of Justice is second nature to TPLF Ethiopia and RPP Issa regimes. ( Denial is the river in TPLF Ethiopia NOT in Egypt ). The Djibouti Government is not going to lift the small thumb to help him. An Afar who wants to rise from poverty and set himself economically is dangerous to Ismail Omar Guelleh, Issa Governement. So to deter others they let him languish in Prison without trial 861 days. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-9704754346172289", enable_page_level_ads: true }); We urge the Ethiopian Government to put an end to our compatriot's ordeal. #FreeAhmedAliHarsa #FreeNafissaHamad #FreeMohamedAhmedJabha Mohamed Hassan fln Xuko Cina
Day 860 in detention without a trial : Ahmed Ali Harsa hostage, in the TPLF version of "Things come in Threes." (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-9704754346172289", enable_page_level_ads: true }); The first adjournment was decided on 6 September 2016, for one month and 20 days (50 days). The trial was scheduled to takes place on 26 October 2016. On November 22, 2016, the TPLF regime decided on a second adjournment of 45 days. This last deadline Ethiopian Justice set for Friday 6th January 2017 has past again without a day in court. Ethiopian Justice missed their own set two previous deadlines. We are, now, contemplating a further third adjournement as they missed the Friday 06 January 2017 one. It is a deliberate act of psychological torture practiced by the dictatorial regimes by lack of independent Justice in these countries. We had the same process with our compatriot Mohamed Ahmed Jabha, in prison, since May 2010 in Djibouti. In the case of Jabha (under constant torture and isolation since May 2010), the dictatorial Issa de Guelleh regime refused to implement the decision of the High Court of Appeal of Djibouti to release Jabha. Two regimes TPLF (Tigre) and RPP (ISSA) in collusion to "Break" the Afar and to partition its land between themselves. The TPLF regime unfairly detains Ahmed Ali Harsa over 860 days, depriving him of all his rights, kept under isolation and even deprived of any family visit. Below are the real reasons for his detention: We all know that Ahmed Ali Harsa is languishing in Ethiopian prisons unfairly. His only crime was to have wanted to earn a living in order to meet his needs and that of his family ( a wife and Ten children ). The two mafia in Djibouti and Ethiopia are behind his imprisonment for a crapulous reason. Ethnic clientelism in both countries by Issas in Djibouti and Tigrenya in Ethiopia does not tolerate any competition from other ethnic groups in the two countries. For them any economic competition from others must be crushed. The other communities must remain in economic poverty to exercise their domination. The Djiboutian and Ethiopian authorities are complicite in his arrest. There is nothing fortuitous in his incarceration. Ismail Omar Guelleh is also responsible for Mohamed Ahmed Jabha imprisonment since May 2010. Almost 7 years in solitary confinement. It is well documented that Jabha is subjected to constant horrendous torture. Ismaïl Omar Guelleh dictator regime is refusing to release him even after a Court decision. The denial of Justice is second nature to TPLF Ethiopia and RPP Issa regimes. ( Denial is the river in TPLF Ethiopia NOT in Egypt ). The Djibouti Government is not going to lift the small thumb to help him. An Afar who wants to rise from poverty and set himself economically is dangerous to Ismail Omar Guelleh, Issa Governement. So to deter others they let him languish in Prison without trial 860 days. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-9704754346172289", enable_page_level_ads: true }); We urge the Ethiopian Government to put an end to our compatriot's ordeal. #FreeAhmedAliHarsa #FreeNafissaHamad #FreeMohamedAhmedJabha Mohamed Hassan fln Xuko Cina Day 859 in detention without a trial : Ahmed Ali Harsa hostage, in the TPLF version of "Things come in Threes." The first adjournment was decided on 6 September 2016, for one month and 20 days (50 days). The trial was scheduled to takes place on 26 October 2016. On November 22, 2016, the TPLF regime decided on a second adjournment of 45 days. This last deadline Ethiopian Justice set for Friday 6th January 2017 has past again without a day in court. Ethiopian Justice missed their own set two previous deadlines. We are, now, contemplating a further third adjournement as they missed the Friday 06 January 2017 one. It is a deliberate act of psychological torture practiced by the dictatorial regimes by lack of independent Justice in these countries. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-9704754346172289", enable_page_level_ads: true }); We had the same process with our compatriot Mohamed Ahmed Jabha, in prison, since May 2010 in Djibouti. In the case of Jabha (under constant torture and isolation since May 2010), the dictatorial Issa de Guelleh regime refused to implement the decision of the High Court of Appeal of Djibouti to release Jabha. Two regimes TPLF (Tigre) and RPP (ISSA) in collusion to "Break" the Afar and to partition its land between themselves. The TPLF regime unfairly detains Ahmed Ali Harsa over 859 days, depriving him of all his rights, kept under isolation and even deprived of any family visit. Below are the real reasons for his detention: We all know that Ahmed Ali Harsa is languishing in Ethiopian prisons unfairly. His only crime was to have wanted to earn a living in order to meet his needs and that of his family ( a wife and Ten children ). The two mafia in Djibouti and Ethiopia are behind his imprisonment for a crapulous reason. Ethnic clientelism in both countries by Issas in Djibouti and Tigrenya in Ethiopia does not tolerate any competition from other ethnic groups in the two countries. For them any economic competition from others must be crushed. The other communities must remain in economic poverty to exercise their domination. The Djiboutian and Ethiopian authorities are complicite in his arrest. There is nothing fortuitous in his incarceration. Ismail Omar Guelleh is also responsible for Mohamed Ahmed Jabha imprisonment since May 2010. Almost 7 years in solitary confinement. It is well documented that Jabha is subjected to constant horrendous torture. Ismaïl Omar Guelleh dictator regime is refusing to release him even after a Court decision. The denial of Justice is second nature to TPLF Ethiopia and RPP Issa regimes. ( Denial is the river in TPLF Ethiopia NOT in Egypt ). The Djibouti Government is not going to lift the small thumb to help him. An Afar who wants to rise from poverty and set himself economically is dangerous to Ismail Omar Guelleh, Issa Governement. So to deter others they let him languish in Prison without trial 859 days. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-9704754346172289", enable_page_level_ads: true }); We urge the Ethiopian Government to put an end to our compatriot's ordeal. #FreeAhmedAliHarsa #FreeNafissaHamad #FreeMohamedAhmedJabha Mohamed Hassan fln Xuko Cina Day 858 in detention without a trial : Ahmed Ali Harsa hostage, in the TPLF version of "Things come in Threes." (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-9704754346172289", enable_page_level_ads: true }); The first adjournment was decided on 6 September 2016, for one month and 20 days (50 days). The trial was scheduled to takes place on 26 October 2016. On November 22, 2016, the TPLF regime decided on a second adjournment of 45 days. This last deadline Ethiopian Justice set for Friday 6th January 2017 has past again without a day in court. Ethiopian Justice missed their own set two previous deadlines. We are, now, contemplating a further third adjournement as they missed the Friday 06 January 2017 one. It is a deliberate act of psychological torture practiced by the dictatorial regimes by lack of independent Justice in these countries. We had the same process with our compatriot Mohamed Ahmed Jabha, in prison, since May 2010 in Djibouti. In the case of Jabha (under constant torture and isolation since May 2010), the dictatorial Issa de Guelleh regime refused to implement the decision of the High Court of Appeal of Djibouti to release Jabha. Two regimes TPLF (Tigre) and RPP (ISSA) in collusion to "Break" the Afar and to partition its land between themselves. The TPLF regime unfairly detains Ahmed Ali Harsa over 858 days, depriving him of all his rights, kept under isolation and even deprived of any family visit. Below are the real reasons for his detention: We all know that Ahmed Ali Harsa is languishing in Ethiopian prisons unfairly. His only crime was to have wanted to earn a living in order to meet his needs and that of his family ( a wife and Ten children ). The two mafia in Djibouti and Ethiopia are behind his imprisonment for a crapulous reason. Ethnic clientelism in both countries by Issas in Djibouti and Tigrenya in Ethiopia does not tolerate any competition from other ethnic groups in the two countries. For them any economic competition from others must be crushed. The other communities must remain in economic poverty to exercise their domination. The Djiboutian and Ethiopian authorities are complicite in his arrest. There is nothing fortuitous in his incarceration. Ismail Omar Guelleh is also responsible for Mohamed Ahmed Jabha imprisonment since May 2010. Almost 7 years in solitary confinement. It is well documented that Jabha is subjected to constant horrendous torture. Ismaïl Omar Guelleh dictator regime is refusing to release him even after a Court decision. The denial of Justice is second nature to TPLF Ethiopia and RPP Issa regimes. ( Denial is the river in TPLF Ethiopia NOT in Egypt ). The Djibouti Government is not going to lift the small thumb to help him. An Afar who wants to rise from poverty and set himself economically is dangerous to Ismail Omar Guelleh, Issa Governement. So to deter others they let him languish in Prison without trial 858 days. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-9704754346172289", enable_page_level_ads: true }); We urge the Ethiopian Government to put an end to our compatriot's ordeal. #FreeAhmedAliHarsa #FreeNafissaHamad #FreeMohamedAhmedJabha Mohamed Hassan fln Xuko Cina Day 857 in detention without a trial : Ahmed Ali Harsa hostage, in the TPLF version of "Things come in Threes." (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-9704754346172289", enable_page_level_ads: true }); The first adjournment was decided on 6 September 2016, for one month and 20 days (50 days). The trial was scheduled to takes place on 26 October 2016. On November 22, 2016, the TPLF regime decided on a second adjournment of 45 days. This last deadline Ethiopian Justice set for Friday 6th January 2017 has past again without a day in court. Ethiopian Justice missed their own set two previous deadlines. We are, now, contemplating a further third adjournement as they missed the Friday 06 January 2017 one. It is a deliberate act of psychological torture practiced by the dictatorial regimes by lack of independent Justice in these countries. We had the same process with our compatriot Mohamed Ahmed Jabha, in prison, since May 2010 in Djibouti. In the case of Jabha (under constant torture and isolation since May 2010), the dictatorial Issa de Guelleh regime refused to implement the decision of the High Court of Appeal of Djibouti to release Jabha. Two regimes TPLF (Tigre) and RPP (ISSA) in collusion to "Break" the Afar and to partition its land between themselves. The TPLF regime unfairly detains Ahmed Ali Harsa over 857 days, depriving him of all his rights, kept under isolation and even deprived of any family visit. Below are the real reasons for his detention: We all know that Ahmed Ali Harsa is languishing in Ethiopian prisons unfairly. His only crime was to have wanted to earn a living in order to meet his needs and that of his family ( a wife and Ten children ). The two mafia in Djibouti and Ethiopia are behind his imprisonment for a crapulous reason. Ethnic clientelism in both countries by Issas in Djibouti and Tigrenya in Ethiopia does not tolerate any competition from other ethnic groups in the two countries. For them any economic competition from others must be crushed. The other communities must remain in economic poverty to exercise their domination. The Djiboutian and Ethiopian authorities are complicite in his arrest. There is nothing fortuitous in his incarceration. Ismail Omar Guelleh is also responsible for Mohamed Ahmed Jabha imprisonment since May 2010. Almost 7 years in solitary confinement. It is well documented that Jabha is subjected to constant horrendous torture. Ismaïl Omar Guelleh dictator regime is refusing to release him even after a Court decision. The denial of Justice is second nature to TPLF Ethiopia and RPP Issa regimes. ( Denial is the river in TPLF Ethiopia NOT in Egypt ). The Djibouti Government is not going to lift the small thumb to help him. An Afar who wants to rise from poverty and set himself economically is dangerous to Ismail Omar Guelleh, Issa Governement. So to deter others they let him languish in Prison without trial 857 days. We urge the Ethiopian Government to put an end to our compatriot's ordeal. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-9704754346172289", enable_page_level_ads: true }); #FreeAhmedAliHarsa #FreeNafissaHamad #FreeMohamedAhmedJabha Mohamed Hassan fln Xuko Cina Day 856 in detention without a trial : Ahmed Ali Harsa hostage, in the TPLF version of "Things come in Threes." (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-9704754346172289", enable_page_level_ads: true }); The first adjournment was decided on 6 September 2016, for one month and 20 days (50 days). The trial was scheduled to takes place on 26 October 2016. On November 22, 2016, the TPLF regime decided on a second adjournment of 45 days. This last deadline Ethiopian Justice set for Friday 6th January 2017 has past again without a day in court. Ethiopian Justice missed their own set two previous deadlines. We are, now, contemplating a further third adjournement as they missed the Friday 06 January 2017 one. It is a deliberate act of psychological torture practiced by the dictatorial regimes by lack of independent Justice in these countries. We had the same process with our compatriot Mohamed Ahmed Jabha, in prison, since May 2010 in Djibouti. In the case of Jabha (under constant torture and isolation since May 2010), the dictatorial Issa de Guelleh regime refused to implement the decision of the High Court of Appeal of Djibouti to release Jabha. Two regimes TPLF (Tigre) and RPP (ISSA) in collusion to "Break" the Afar and to partition its land between themselves. The TPLF regime unfairly detains Ahmed Ali Harsa over 856 days, depriving him of all his rights, kept under isolation and even deprived of any family visit. Below are the real reasons for his detention: We all know that Ahmed Ali Harsa is languishing in Ethiopian prisons unfairly. His only crime was to have wanted to earn a living in order to meet his needs and that of his family ( a wife and Ten children ). The two mafia in Djibouti and Ethiopia are behind his imprisonment for a crapulous reason. Ethnic clientelism in both countries by Issas in Djibouti and Tigrenya in Ethiopia does not tolerate any competition from other ethnic groups in the two countries. For them any economic competition from others must be crushed. The other communities must remain in economic poverty to exercise their domination. The Djiboutian and Ethiopian authorities are complicite in his arrest. There is nothing fortuitous in his incarceration. Ismail Omar Guelleh is also responsible for Mohamed Ahmed Jabha imprisonment since May 2010. Almost 7 years in solitary confinement. It is well documented that Jabha is subjected to constant horrendous torture. Ismaïl Omar Guelleh dictator regime is refusing to release him even after a Court decision. The denial of Justice is second nature to TPLF Ethiopia and RPP Issa regimes. ( Denial is the river in TPLF Ethiopia NOT in Egypt ). The Djibouti Government is not going to lift the small thumb to help him. An Afar who wants to rise from poverty and set himself economically is dangerous to Ismail Omar Guelleh, Issa Governement. So to deter others they let him languish in Prison without trial 856 days. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-9704754346172289", enable_page_level_ads: true }); We urge the Ethiopian Government to put an end to our compatriot's ordeal. #FreeAhmedAliHarsa #FreeNafissaHamad #FreeMohamedAhmedJabha Mohamed Hassan fln Xuko Cina Day 855 in detention without a trial : Ahmed Ali Harsa hostage, in the TPLF version of "Things come in Threes." (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-9704754346172289", enable_page_level_ads: true }); The first adjournment was decided on 6 September 2016, for one month and 20 days (50 days). The trial was scheduled to takes place on 26 October 2016. On November 22, 2016, the TPLF regime decided on a second adjournment of 45 days. This last deadline Ethiopian Justice set for Friday 6th January 2017 has past again without a day in court. Ethiopian Justice missed their own set two previous deadlines. We are, now, contemplating a further third adjournement as they missed the Friday 06 January 2017 one. It is a deliberate act of psychological torture practiced by the dictatorial regimes by lack of independent Justice in these countries. We had the same process with our compatriot Mohamed Ahmed Jabha, in prison, since May 2010 in Djibouti. In the case of Jabha (under constant torture and isolation since May 2010), the dictatorial Issa de Guelleh regime refused to implement the decision of the High Court of Appeal of Djibouti to release Jabha. Two regimes TPLF (Tigre) and RPP (ISSA) in collusion to "Break" the Afar and to partition its land between themselves. The TPLF regime unfairly detains Ahmed Ali Harsa over 855 days, depriving him of all his rights, kept under isolation and even deprived of any family visit. Below are the real reasons for his detention: We all know that Ahmed Ali Harsa is languishing in Ethiopian prisons unfairly. His only crime was to have wanted to earn a living in order to meet his needs and that of his family ( a wife and Ten children ). The two mafia in Djibouti and Ethiopia are behind his imprisonment for a crapulous reason. Ethnic clientelism in both countries by Issas in Djibouti and Tigrenya in Ethiopia does not tolerate any competition from other ethnic groups in the two countries. For them any economic competition from others must be crushed. The other communities must remain in economic poverty to exercise their domination. The Djiboutian and Ethiopian authorities are complicite in his arrest. There is nothing fortuitous in his incarceration. Ismail Omar Guelleh is also responsible for Mohamed Ahmed Jabha imprisonment since May 2010. Almost 7 years in solitary confinement. It is well documented that Jabha is subjected to constant horrendous torture. Ismaïl Omar Guelleh dictator regime is refusing to release him even after a Court decision. The denial of Justice is second nature to TPLF Ethiopia and RPP Issa regimes. ( Denial is the river in TPLF Ethiopia NOT in Egypt ). The Djibouti Government is not going to lift the small thumb to help him. An Afar who wants to rise from poverty and set himself economically is dangerous to Ismail Omar Guelleh, Issa Governement. So to deter others they let him languish in Prison without trial 855 days. We urge the Ethiopian Government to put an end to our compatriot's ordeal. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-9704754346172289", enable_page_level_ads: true }); #FreeAhmedAliHarsa #FreeNafissaHamad #FreeMohamedAhmedJabha Mohamed Hassan fln Xuko Cina Day 854 in detention without a trial : Ahmed Ali Harsa hostage, in the TPLF version of "Things come in Threes." (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-9704754346172289", enable_page_level_ads: true }); The first adjournment was decided on 6 September 2016, for one month and 20 days (50 days). The trial was scheduled to takes place on 26 October 2016. On November 22, 2016, the TPLF regime decided on a second adjournment of 45 days. This last deadline Ethiopian Justice set for Friday 6th January 2017 has past again without a day in court. Ethiopian Justice missed their own set two previous deadlines. We are, now, contemplating a further third adjournement as they missed the Friday 06 January 2017 one. It is a deliberate act of psychological torture practiced by the dictatorial regimes by lack of independent Justice in these countries. We had the same process with our compatriot Mohamed Ahmed Jabha, in prison, since May 2010 in Djibouti. In the case of Jabha (under constant torture and isolation since May 2010), the dictatorial Issa de Guelleh regime refused to implement the decision of the High Court of Appeal of Djibouti to release Jabha. Two regimes TPLF (Tigre) and RPP (ISSA) in collusion to "Break" the Afar and to partition its land between themselves. The TPLF regime unfairly detains Ahmed Ali Harsa over 854 days, depriving him of all his rights, kept under isolation and even deprived of any family visit. Below are the real reasons for his detention: We all know that Ahmed Ali Harsa is languishing in Ethiopian prisons unfairly. His only crime was to have wanted to earn a living in order to meet his needs and that of his family ( a wife and Ten children ). The two mafia in Djibouti and Ethiopia are behind his imprisonment for a crapulous reason. Ethnic clientelism in both countries by Issas in Djibouti and Tigrenya in Ethiopia does not tolerate any competition from other ethnic groups in the two countries. For them any economic competition from others must be crushed. The other communities must remain in economic poverty to exercise their domination. The Djiboutian and Ethiopian authorities are complicite in his arrest. There is nothing fortuitous in his incarceration. Ismail Omar Guelleh is also responsible for Mohamed Ahmed Jabha imprisonment since May 2010. Almost 7 years in solitary confinement. It is well documented that Jabha is subjected to constant horrendous torture. Ismaïl Omar Guelleh dictator regime is refusing to release him even after a Court decision. The denial of Justice is second nature to TPLF Ethiopia and RPP Issa regimes. ( Denial is the river in TPLF Ethiopia NOT in Egypt ). (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-9704754346172289", enable_page_level_ads: true }); The Djibouti Government is not going to lift the small thumb to help him. An Afar who wants to rise from poverty and set himself economically is dangerous to Ismail Omar Guelleh, Issa Governement. So to deter others they let him languish in Prison without trial 854 days. We urge the Ethiopian Government to put an end to our compatriot's ordeal. #FreeAhmedAliHarsa #FreeNafissaHamad #FreeMohamedAhmedJabha Mohamed Hassan fln Xuko Cina Day 853 in detention without a trial : Ahmed Ali Harsa hostage, in the TPLF version of "Things come in Threes." (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-9704754346172289", enable_page_level_ads: true }); The first adjournment was decided on 6 September 2016, for one month and 20 days (50 days). The trial was scheduled to takes place on 26 October 2016. On November 22, 2016, the TPLF regime decided on a second adjournment of 45 days. This last deadline Ethiopian Justice set for Friday 6th January 2017 has past again without a day in court. Ethiopian Justice missed their own set two previous deadlines. We are, now, contemplating a further third adjournement as they missed the Friday 06 January 2017 one. It is a deliberate act of psychological torture practiced by the dictatorial regimes by lack of independent Justice in these countries. We had the same process with our compatriot Mohamed Ahmed Jabha, in prison, since May 2010 in Djibouti. In the case of Jabha (under constant torture and isolation since May 2010), the dictatorial Issa de Guelleh regime refused to implement the decision of the High Court of Appeal of Djibouti to release Jabha. Two regimes TPLF (Tigre) and RPP (ISSA) in collusion to "Break" the Afar and to partition its land between themselves. The TPLF regime unfairly detains Ahmed Ali Harsa over 853 days, depriving him of all his rights, kept under isolation and even deprived of any family visit. Below are the real reasons for his detention: We all know that Ahmed Ali Harsa is languishing in Ethiopian prisons unfairly. His only crime was to have wanted to earn a living in order to meet his needs and that of his family ( a wife and Ten children ). The two mafia in Djibouti and Ethiopia are behind his imprisonment for a crapulous reason. Ethnic clientelism in both countries by Issas in Djibouti and Tigrenya in Ethiopia does not tolerate any competition from other ethnic groups in the two countries. For them any economic competition from others must be crushed. The other communities must remain in economic poverty to exercise their domination. The Djiboutian and Ethiopian authorities are complicite in his arrest. There is nothing fortuitous in his incarceration. Ismail Omar Guelleh is also responsible for Mohamed Ahmed Jabha imprisonment since May 2010. Almost 7 years in solitary confinement. It is well documented that Jabha is subjected to constant horrendous torture. Ismaïl Omar Guelleh dictator regime is refusing to release him even after a Court decision. The denial of Justice is second nature to TPLF Ethiopia and RPP Issa regimes. ( Denial is the river in TPLF Ethiopia NOT in Egypt ). The Djibouti Government is not going to lift the small thumb to help him. An Afar who wants to rise from poverty and set himself economically is dangerous to Ismail Omar Guelleh, Issa Governement. So to deter others they let him languish in Prison without trial 853 days. We urge the Ethiopian Government to put an end to our compatriot's ordeal. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-9704754346172289", enable_page_level_ads: true }); #FreeAhmedAliHarsa #FreeNafissaHamad #FreeMohamedAhmedJabha Mohamed Hassan fln Xuko Cina Day 852 in detention without a trial : Ahmed Ali Harsa hostage, in the TPLF version of "Things come in Threes." (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-9704754346172289", enable_page_level_ads: true }); The first adjournment was decided on 6 September 2016, for one month and 20 days (50 days). The trial was scheduled to takes place on 26 October 2016. On November 22, 2016, the TPLF regime decided on a second adjournment of 45 days. This last deadline Ethiopian Justice set for Friday 6th January 2017 has past again without a day in court. Ethiopian Justice missed their own set two previous deadlines. We are, now, contemplating a further third adjournement as they missed the Friday 06 January 2017 one. It is a deliberate act of psychological torture practiced by the dictatorial regimes by lack of independent Justice in these countries. We had the same process with our compatriot Mohamed Ahmed Jabha, in prison, since May 2010 in Djibouti. In the case of Jabha (under constant torture and isolation since May 2010), the dictatorial Issa de Guelleh regime refused to implement the decision of the High Court of Appeal of Djibouti to release Jabha. Two regimes TPLF (Tigre) and RPP (ISSA) in collusion to "Break" the Afar and to partition its land between themselves. The TPLF regime unfairly detains Ahmed Ali Harsa over 852 days, depriving him of all his rights, kept under isolation and even deprived of any family visit. Below are the real reasons for his detention: We all know that Ahmed Ali Harsa is languishing in Ethiopian prisons unfairly. His only crime was to have wanted to earn a living in order to meet his needs and that of his family ( a wife and Ten children ). The two mafia in Djibouti and Ethiopia are behind his imprisonment for a crapulous reason. Ethnic clientelism in both countries by Issas in Djibouti and Tigrenya in Ethiopia does not tolerate any competition from other ethnic groups in the two countries. For them any economic competition from others must be crushed. The other communities must remain in economic poverty to exercise their domination. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-9704754346172289", enable_page_level_ads: true }); The Djiboutian and Ethiopian authorities are complicite in his arrest. There is nothing fortuitous in his incarceration. Ismail Omar Guelleh is also responsible for Mohamed Ahmed Jabha imprisonment since May 2010. Almost 7 years in solitary confinement. It is well documented that Jabha is subjected to constant horrendous torture. Ismaïl Omar Guelleh dictator regime is refusing to release him even after a Court decision. The denial of Justice is second nature to TPLF Ethiopia and RPP Issa regimes. ( Denial is the river in TPLF Ethiopia NOT in Egypt ). The Djibouti Government is not going to lift the small thumb to help him. An Afar who wants to rise from poverty and set himself economically is dangerous to Ismail Omar Guelleh, Issa Governement. So to deter others they let him languish in Prison without trial 852 days. We urge the Ethiopian Government to put an end to our compatriot's ordeal. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-9704754346172289", enable_page_level_ads: true }); #FreeAhmedAliHarsa #FreeNafissaHamad #FreeMohamedAhmedJabha Mohamed Hassan fln Xuko Cina |
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